A los efectos de lo previsto en la Ley Orgánica 15/99 de 13 de Diciembre de Protección de datos de carácter personal, DE COTTA PROPERTY informa al usuario de la existencia de un fichero automatizado de datos personales creado por y para DE COTTA PROPERTY y bajo su responsabilidad, con la finalidad de realizar el mantenimiento y gestión de la relación con el usuario, así como las labores de información, formación y comercialización del servicio y de las actividades relacionadas con los mismos. For the purposes of the provisions of Law 15/99 of 13 December on the Protection of personal data, DECOTTA PROPERTY informs the user of the existence of an automated personal data file created by and for DE COTTA PROPERTY and under its responsibility, with the aim of maintaining and managing the relationship with the user and the tasks of information, service and marketing training and activities related thereto. |
Upon acceptance of these Conditions, DE COTTA PROPERTY require the collection of baseline data and essential for the provision of services. Dichos datos son: Nombre, apellidos, dirección, código Postal, y teléfono del Usuario. Such data include: name, surname, address, zip code and telephone of the user. En el momento de la aceptación del presente contrato el Usuario será informado del carácter necesario de la recogida de tales datos. Upon acceptance of this contract, the user will be informed of the necessity of collecting such data. |
Also DE COTTA PROPERTY for the provision of certain services may ask the user a series of complementary data, i) the tax identification number ii) locality iii) date of birth iv) sex v) profession which will go to work information, training and marketing services offered by DE COTTA PROPERTY . Tales datos son voluntarios y en el momento de la aceptación del presente contrato el usuario será informado del carácter no obligatorio de la recogida de los mismos para la prestación de los servicios de DE COTTA PROPERTY , no obstante la no cumplimentación de dichos datos impedirá a DE COTTA PROPERTY prestar todos aquellos servicios vinculados a tales datos. Such information is voluntary and at the time of acceptance of this contract the user will be informed of non-binding nature of collecting them for the provision of services DE COTTA PROPERTY , notwithstanding the completion of such data does not preclude to DECOTTA PROPERTY provide all the services related to such data. |
The user gives his consent to DE COTTA PROPERTY can use their Internet surfing data to send you advertising from third according to the web sites you visit. Los anunciantes serán los únicos responsables de la veracidad, exactitud y legalidad de su publicidad siendo DE COTTA PROPERTY un mero difusor de la misma. Advertisers are solely responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy and legality of their advertising being DE COTTA PROPERTY un mere diffuser of the same. Los anunciantes no podrán tener acceso a los datos personales del Usuario, directamente sin el consentimiento expreso del usuario en cada ocasión. Advertisers may not have access to personal data the user, directly without the express consent on each occasion.
The rights of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation of the personal data collected may be exercised by users, and if so, by his representative by written request signed in to contain the following information: name, surname client, address for correspondence, photocopy of identity card or passport, and request that specific request addressed to the following address:
De Cotta McKenna & Santafe, CC Valdepino 1y3A, Urb Calypso, 29649 Mijas Costa, Malaga, Spain |
In accordance with the general conditions the user knows and accepts the use of technology "Cookie" by DE COTTA PROPERTY , although you can configure your browser to be warned of this and prevent the installation of "Cookies" on your hard drive, please see instructions and manual on your browser to complete this information. |
DE COTTA PROPERTY is committed to fulfilling its obligation of secrecy of personal data and its duty to protect them, and take the necessary measures to prevent tampering, loss, or unauthorized access |